Songs to Ride By

When I'm going for a long ride by myself, I throw caution to the wind and listen to my iPod while riding. I'm not taking risk for risk's sake, but it's hard to resist having a musical companion along for solo rides. I try to be careful, I don't turn the volume up loud, but this is my guilty pleasure.

It's intesresting to hear what plays randomly while I'm out on the road, and to ponder the synchronicity between where I'm riding and what is playing. Some recent examples:

Cresting a hill and about to descend at high speed
I Love the Sound of Breaking Glass, Nick Lowe. I hope not!
A long, low-speed hill climb on Pierce Road in Saratoga
Come as you are, Nirvana. Hardly!
Just starting a 30-mile ride, with my legs already sore from the long ride the day before
Life in the Fast Lane, The Eagles. A good omen!

Anyway, it gives one something to think about. Something other than numb toes, sore butt, sore neck, ...

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