First Post

Happy New Year! Welcome to my TNT Cycle team blog (with apologies to New Riders of the Purple Sage).

Besides running a marathon, which I accomplished with the help of Team in Training (TNT), another of my lifelong goals is to ride a bicycle Century (100 miles in one day). What better way to do it than with TNT?

Last week I signed up for the TNT Spring Cycle team, to train for America's Most Beautiful Bike Ride (AMBBR) in June. We kick off the season at the end of January and start training in earnest in February.

I'm excited but also a little nervous. Where will I find all the time to train? How will I learn to ride in the cold, wind, and rain? Will I find indoor cycling for training when it's dark? TNT taught be to run in all these conditions, so I have faith that I'll become more than a "fair-weather biker", as well. Hang on for the ride!


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